Thursday, May 29, 2008


At my heaviest I had completely given up on ever being able to lose weight. And of course, rewards for any success in other parts of my life revolved around food. Going out for dinner, dessert, etc. We all do it. It's important to take pride in the things you're good at and make sure you acknowledge them in some way.

So when I changed my eating habits, I had to change the way I thought about rewarding myself for successes. At one time, many years ago, I had promised myself if I ever lost all the weight I'd get another motorcycle (knowing full well it would probably never happen). With that being said, I present you with my new best friend:

I have over 25,000 miles of riding experience and this is the biggest bike I've ever ridden. It weighs in at 945 lbs. The reason I mention this is that without all the weightlifting I've been doing, along with the eating changes and weight loss, I would not be strong enough or healthy enough to handle this bike. And it's a reward that keeps on giving, because when I get the munchies, or feel overly stressed out, I can go for a ride instead of eating. It's the kind of driving that requires all four limbs and has no built-in cupholders.

Granted, this is on the extreme end of rewards. Most of the time, just feeling good in my own skin is reward enough. But occasionally you have to splurge, right?


Partly Cloudy Knitter said...

Woo hoo! I love your new ride!
And I'm so proud of you!
Ride safe!
Cathy in MN

Crafty Coug said...

Sweet! When do we ride? -Diana

Marianne said...

Whoa doggies! That looks to be one sweeet ride!

Anonymous said...

w00t! Well done. I'm alternately petrified by, and intrigued by and drawn to, motorcycles. What a great reward, though!

My reward right now is a lot more tame: I'm going to go out and water the garden. Teehee.

Ginger said...

I was wondering if we would be seeing one of these come into your life . . . congrats!

Sara said...

awesome! On many counts ;)

Anonymous said...

Oo. La. LA! That's really quite a machine, and I love the idea of going for a drive instead of raiding the fridge. Wunderbar!

karen said...

It's a beauty! I'm so happy for you, great choice of a reward and what a way to save on gas too!

(formerly) no-blog-rachel said...

Verrrry cool! And good for you!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! MaryB

Naomi said...

I saw that beauty when I drove by yesterday. She is a wonder! I imagined you in my head - seeing you riding happy.

I'm glad it is giving you an outlet...just be careful. I know you'll be careful...just be watchful of those car drivers that don't always look out for motorcycles!

Enjoy! You've worked really, really hard for this!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!

What Naomi said...I agree.

Anne Turner said...

OMG.. Thats gorgeous! I'm jealous. But, I'm working on the weight too. I do have 3 motorcycles in the shed that I USED to ride.. who knows.
Good for you! Just watch out for the idiots and assh..les.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Now THAT is some reward! Be safe.

Rabbitch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BerkeleyBecca said...

Wow, K, that is one bad-ass bike. I hope you have great times on it.

crookedneedles said...

Having seen your face light up when talking about your new ride, and reading what you wrote about the joy it gives you when you are needing a lift, you have given me insight into the effect riding gives George. Thank you and take care to be safe on those two wheels!