I spent a total of 15 hours out in the garden edging my lawn and catching up on the weeding. Sounds doable until you find out I've got a 1/4-acre lot that I've landscaped over the last 11 years. It does require quite a bit of maintenance. And because of our very strange spring, the weeds were germinating faster than I could pull them and they had pretty much won the battle. I had not cleaned up the edge of the lawn in 3 years so it was really overgrown into the flower beds.
Here's what I learned:
- Being able to do a full squat is extremely useful for cutting sod with a flat blade.
- Being in that squat over and over again for 8 hours or more gives your legs a great workout.
- Having to go out the next morning and finish the last 60 feet of lawn edging, after spending the previous day doing the same thing, is somewhat painful.
- Having strong shoulders and arms makes slicing under the sod go a lot faster.
- Being fit makes it possible to do three weekends worth of yard work in one weekend.
When I started getting really serious about all this exercise and eating right stuff to try and control my diabetes, that was my only goal. But there have been some fabulous benefits from eating well and working out that I hadn't anticipated.
Like losing a ton of weight.
Or being able to run short distances in preparation for playing some soccer this summer.
Or having marathon gardening sessions and still having the energy to go play afterwards.
And feeling strong and healthy and being happy in my skin for the first time in a very long time.